photo: SexArt

Bruises and Bite Marks

How I met Yuvraj: Chapter two

Published in
9 min readFeb 5, 2020


(Continued from here)

The morning after saw me sitting on my balcony, a cup of tea clasped in my palms and a half-smoked cigarette held between my fingers. I was dressed in a pink tee and white shorts, lounging on my chair, enjoying the last few minutes of “me-time” before I had to rush to the office.

My head was filled with conflicting emotions. On one hand, I couldn’t stop smiling — the memories of the previous night coming back to me at moments I least expected them. On the other, I was embarrassed: what had I been thinking? Yuvraj and I were so loud and so wild, my own passion surprised me. I had bruises and bite marks all over my body, my thighs were aching from having been spread so wide, and my pussy was sore — a happy sore, but sore, nonetheless.

I had always prided myself on having an exciting sex life, but the wildness of last night was unexpected. Was it Yuvraj who aroused this craziness in me, or was it my own abstinence for so many months?

Whatever it was, this had to stop. What would my innocent-looking apartment-mate think of me otherwise?

As if on cue, Yuvraj walked out through his gate, dressed in his usual black hoodie, t-shirt and pajama-bottoms. He turned to shut the gate behind him, looked up and gave me a smile. It was a shy smile — the kind I knew Yuvraj to pass at me before last night. It seemed that after our frenzied lovemaking, things were back at their own pace. As he walked away, I took a puff of my cigarette and sat staring after him.

Was all of last night just a dream?

The week passed by in a blur of work and prior commitments, until it was Friday night. With the prospect of two days of debauchery ahead and no one to spend it with, I texted Yuvraj, “Hey.”

His reply came almost immediately after, as if he had been waiting for my message. “Hi.”


“No, just got back from work. You?”

“Me too. Okay tell me, what are your plans for tonight.”

“No plans. I was hoping we could catch up?”

“Okay,” I replied, playing.

