Heated Seats

Celeste Cole
2 min readMar 27, 2017


The train was cold. It was summer. The AC blasted for the hot hot-blooded.

Train departure, twenty minutes.

She sat down early, very few on the train.

Goosebumps rose up her calves to her thighs, along her shoulders, continuing down her arms and chest.

She closed her eyes, took a deep breath.

“Ten minutes to departure announcement.”

Seats filled straight and diagonally across from her.

The seat beside her left empty. Bummer, she thought, no-one to fill this space.

Closed her eyes, deep breath... someone brushed against her.


Glancing down she noticed rugged steel toed boots and a safety vest.
A construction worker, eloquently tiptoed between the others and sat beside her.

First thought, this will be a smelly ride. She was too cold to care about the smell.

“Final departure announcement, doors closing.”

Once again she closed her eyes.

The train started to move and she began to feel a pull.
A strong pull beside her towards him — she felt him emitting heat.
A lot of it.

She was intrigued and embarrassed to admit… she felt a strong attraction.
She imagined herself leaning on him and his arm grazing against hers.
She shuffled in her seat, re-positioning her thighs so they could pull the heat from his.

She caught herself. She laid her purse on her lap. She shivered.

He spoke. Raspy. Deep.
“You’re cold and I’m hot.”

He took his jacket off and she felt his skin against her arm for longer. The warmth was sexy. She imagined herself and this faceless construction worker engrossed in a PDA — overexposed. She shivered again, feeling a weakness between her thighs.

He asked if she was still cold; she responded yes with a sigh. He placed his jacket on her lap ever so gently, his fingers brushing her thighs.

She sat in the warmth of the faceless stranger, forgetting those around her. Although the attraction was overpowering she still wanted to remain in control.

She spent the rest of the train ride inching towards him every couple of minutes.

Her stop was approaching. She didn’t want to get off.

“Mount Joy approaching. Approaching Mount Joy.”

Her stop was announced. She gave him his jacket without glancing up.

The train stopped, she got up — the moment of truth to see the beauty who shared his heat that she had accepted selfishly.

Bold eyes, daring smile, biceps glistening — he was fresh. Polite and sweet… sexy. He was sexy. And when she glanced to say goodbye, he smirked with sweet wickedness as his response.

