
Five Practical Life Lessons I Learned From Non-Monogamy

Ethical non-monogamy is on the rise among Millennials. A recent YouGov survey found that in 1,000 people aged between 18 and 30,...
Allison Leigh
3 min read

Digital Era Dating

How to connect with a screen between you There’s no debate that mobile internet has changed the face of society. People are spending...
Allison Leigh
2 min read

Avoiding Pitfalls on a Kinky Road

Introducing new sexual play It’s to be expected that we will learn more about ourselves and develop new interests over time. We change our style,...
Allison Leigh
1 min read

The Importance of Kinky Sex

 Voyeurism. Bondage. Cuckolding. Feet. Almost everyone has some kind of kink in their sexual wiring. But where do these predilections come...
Allison Leigh
2 min read

Disconnect and Plug In

Could less screen time lead to more sex? Smartphone, computer, TV, tablet — screens are a part of our everyday lives. Everything from work to...
Allison Leigh
2 min read

Dressed or undressed?

“If you don’t help me choose, I’ll just have to go naked. Imagine how people will stare…” “Go naked. Honestly I don’t care. But then...
Rose MyErotica
3 min read

My poly Valentine: What it means when I say…

I love YOU. And I like you, too. You are basically an awesome human being. I think about you sometimes when I touch myself. You make me smile....
Rose MyErotica
2 min read