
Your Hand, My Ass

I love a good spanking. Does that make me a bad feminist? Just imagine the slap of skin on skin, your firm...
Rose MyErotica
4 min read

Lipstick ring around your cock…

A precise ring of scarlet circles his cock, the imprint of my lips marking him like a brand. It’s striking, but I’m...
Rose MyErotica
3 min read

Snow day: fucking the ice queen…

I awaken to an eerie blue-white light. Snow. It’s inches thick already, and still coming down in a heavy flurry, fat snowflakes splatting against...
Rose MyErotica
4 min read

Digital Era Dating

How to connect with a screen between you There’s no debate that mobile internet has changed the face of society. People are spending...
Allison Leigh
2 min read

Avoiding Pitfalls on a Kinky Road

Introducing new sexual play It’s to be expected that we will learn more about ourselves and develop new interests over time. We change our style,...
Allison Leigh
1 min read

Like silk: wrap it and stroke it hard

I twirl my hair around my hand until it forms one long, silken rope, then lean in closer and wrap the shiny strands around...
Rose MyErotica
4 min read

Squirming: dildo panties keep me on the edge

“Why do you keep wriggling like that?” he whispers, half amused, half irritated. We’re having lunch at a friend’s restaurant but I can’t sit...
Rose MyErotica
8 min read

Disconnect and Plug In

Could less screen time lead to more sex? Smartphone, computer, TV, tablet — screens are a part of our everyday lives. Everything from work to...
Allison Leigh
2 min read

I know you’re looking… and I like it.

I can feel his eyes on me. Glancing and darting away, at first; then lingering, his gaze caressing my ankles, traveling up to the...
Rose MyErotica
3 min read

Squats and thrusts: my hot ass inspires his workout,…

Is there any more inspiring sight while working out than a firm ass riding up and down on the exercise bike in front of...
Rose MyErotica
5 min read